Wed. June 2 Back in Petaluma

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

In a very unexpected turn of  events, we are back home in Petaluma for a couple of weeks, trying to recover from what appears to be some sort of giardia/whatever that we must have picked up from a contaminated water source  back before Agua Dulce somewhere.    Neither of us are what you would call horrendously sick, but we both were feeling nauseous, with no appetite and losing strength.    Not a good combination for taking on the big snows of the High Sierra this year!  Nor did we want to risk spreading the whatever-it-is to other hikers.

We are over-the-top grateful for the AWESOME  love ‘n care we received from the Rosander family, trail angels in Tehachapi, with whom we’d been staying for the past several days,  as we tried to figure out what was wrong with us and decide what to do.   On Sunday,  Christy Rosander basically gave up most of her day to drive us to an urgent care place in Bakersfield, then to a pharmacy for medicine.  

We are definitely on the mend now!   Both appetite and strength are returning. 

And when we return to the PCT (soon, we hope!) we will (sigh) be toting a water filter!

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