Saturday, September 4, 2010 Miles Today: 17.5 Actual Total: 2,317.5

Saturday, September 4th, 2010

Last night was cold and windy, so since we were just cowboy camped with no tarp, I got awfully cold! Brr! Since it wasn’t far to White Pass  (Food! Clean clothes!) we didn’t get up till 6:00 am.  Then we hurried along the PCT through the forest, past very pretty Ginnette Lake.  After the lake, the trail began to switchback down, down, down to the road.  Suddenly a big elk cut across the trail in front of us, and we could see him sort of crashing through the trees till he was out of sight.  But in what had been a clear early morning sky there were now dark, fast-moving and ominous clouds.  I thought, “Sure hope we make it to the Kracker Barrel before the storm hits.”  Turned out I need not have worried–the clouds looked nasty and impressive, but they blew right by and left the sky clear again by noon.

The weather stayed cold (in the 50’s) and windy all day, so we were VERY glad to get into the warm and welcoming Kracker Barrel store/restaurant.  We were eating breakfast (a real thruhiker breakfast–egg and sausage sandwiches, breakfast burritos, big cinnamon rolls, bananas, oj, and mochas!) while fisherfolk came in complaining that it was so windy they couldn’t get out on the lake–it was covered with whitecaps.  Once we were well-stuffed, it was laundry time and resupply box time.  The Kracker Barrel is awesome–they have everything that hikers need–including socks!  I bought a new pair to replace a pair that I accidentally left hanging on a tree to dry.  And we called the trail angel couple who were planning to meet us at Snoqualmie Pass to give them an updated ETA.  We enjoyed talking to a young couple–Happy Camper and Trashbucket, who are hiking the PCT for their honeymoon.  We read the PCT trail register, too–it spoke of hikers staying at the KB all day to wait out a rainstorm.  Glad that wasn’t us!

As we were walking back along the road back to the PCT, we met about 7 hikers coming in along the highway. Whew–we timed it right–the Kracker Barrel was full of people already, and 7 more, all PCT hikers, would really make it crowded, plus a line to do laundry (there’s only one washing machine & dryer).  Beyond White Pass, the trail spends a lot of time in meadowlands surrounded by forests.  We met a group of Boy Scouts, who were very interested in our PCT adventures–hope some of them get to thru hike someday!

A lot of families were out hiking and riding, even though it was a very cold, windy day.  One family in particular was so cute–mom and dad on horses and two little kids riding ponies, all of them grinning and happy despite the cold and wind.  The PCT north of White Pass is well-built and easy to hike, and it gradually climbs up until you are in an area with many very pretty lakes that had clean, blue water and sandy beaches!  Nice!  Not a good day for swimming, though.

Eventually we passed a horsepacker camp.  There were horses grazing all over a big meadow, and the camp was amazing.  They had big tents, camp chairs, and big coolers, etc.  It looked like a car camp, but it was 10 miles from the road.  The horse folks were all sitting around a roaring campfire talking and laughing.  Fun!  We stopped a little while later along the trail to eat some supper, and  while we were eating, along came a backpacker who told us a good place to cross (instead of ford) the Bumping River up ahead. He was right— a jumble of broken logs upstream— and it worked even for me, the log-crossing wussie.  I was feeling particularly wussied, because a couple of days ago, I had a bad fall on the trail, where I tripped over a root and went down really hard.  My hands and knees are still a bit sore from that.  But the log jumble crossing today went just fine.  Further up the trail on the other side, we met a SOBO who will finish the PCT when he reaches Old Station.  We wished him well, and thought, “He’s got a ways to go yet–we have only 350 more miles.  Two more weeks, and we are done.”

So we walked on to where the PCT headed straight up a hill, and found a campsite.  It was 7 pm, 50 degrees and a stiff wind blowing.  BRRRR!  We rigged the tarp to block the wind as much as possible, and  I crawled into my sleeping bag wearing pretty much all my clothes plus I slid my plastic pack liner bag into the sleeping bag and put my feet inside that.  The pack liner inside the sleeping bag trick was Bill’s suggestion–he said it worked for him during cold nights on the John Muir Trail.   The weather report for tomorrow sounds good.  I read the Bible for awhile and thought about how I need to stop worrying about the weather every time I see a cloud.  Trusting God to be with us is a lot better.

Walk with Aragorn to Minas Tirith: Battle with the Corsairs in Lamedon.

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