March 18
Thursday, March 19th, 2020
I’ve now received TWO very depressing emails from the AT Conservancy. Wow, are they in doom ‘n gloom mode! Contrast that with the PCT Association, which is very upbeat. The PCT people sent an email today saying, “Oh bummer, we’ve had to cancel our trail team maintenance projects for March and most of April–but NO WORRIES! We have a full schedule of projects in line for this summer!” And their advice to PCT hikers is “OK, you guys, you be careful and observe the guidelines about not bunching and all that, and have a great hike!”
What is with the AT Conservancy?
The only concern I have right now is that after some bad experiences with mailing resupply boxes to post offices (limited hours that force you to wait in town plus overzealous postal workers that only keep a general delivery box for 2 weeks, then send it back), I now AVOID mailing to post offices. Problem: all my resupplies are at private businesses and hostels. From what the AT people are saying, sounds like those places are currently closing and hurting.
But we are not starting our hike till April 24, so I am going to wait a bit and then phone to find out who is open and who isn’t. I may end up having to mail to some post offices. Sigh.
And yay for the PCTA! Those guys have a GREAT attitude!