Sunday, May 30 A trip to the doctor

Sunday, May 30th, 2010


By this morning, I knew there was something seriously wrong with me.  I was too nauseous to eat, and for me, that’s amazing!  I also felt very faint and weak.   I managed to eat a banana for breakfast by just nibbling on it little by little.   Bill and I had planned to go to church, but that was now out of the question.   We figured we must have giardia or something similar,  and were trying to plan how we could organize getting to a doctor for a prescription,  when Christy volunteered to take us to the place she goes, an urgent care center in Bakersfield.


This was WAY over and above for her to do this–not only is it a long way to Bakersfield, but she was in the middle of getting her college age son off to his summer job as program director at a Christian camp in Big Bear.  We were enormously grateful.   Bill was a bit “brighter” because he’d been taking Christy’s leftover medicine already, but I was pretty wasted.   So the Bakersfield expedition was very hard.   I had trouble even with standing up for very long at a time!   But we finally had our turn with the doctor and after some frustration in trying to find a pharmacy that had enough Flagl for TWO full does, we were back in Tehachapi.

On the way back to Christy’s house, she stopped by Valley Oaks, the Christian school where she works. It involves a unique mixture of homeschooling and classroom schooling.  We were able to meet the principal and admire the really nice building (the story of how God provided a place for the school to meet is an adventure in itself!).  But I was very tired, so as soon as we were “home”,  I went straight to bed.   It seemed like only 5 minutes had gone by when Bill woke me up at 10 pm to take more medicine.    Hope it works.   I want to get back to the PCT!     Our original plan was for Tuesday, but it’s looking iffy.

may30_3people But one nice thing about all this driving around with Christy Rosander is that we’ve been able to get to know her better.  And I don’t mind saying again that she is one amazing lady!  She told us that originally she and her husband were not interested in backpacking.  They climbed pretty much every mountain of note around here and in the southern Sierras before Christy got “into” backpacking.  She often goes alone, since the rest of her family mostly would rather get up early from a “base camp” with lots of comfortable stuff, go climb a mountain and come back to base camp.  Backpacking is much more spartan.

I am very hopeful about feeling better tomorrow, but I don’t know what we will do about returning to the trail on Tuesday.  I don’t think we can do it in our present condition.

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